Handsome businessman sitting in office

Coaching with the Enneagram relation report

With the iEQ9 Enneagram personality test, you'll discover your personality types and how they interact with your partner's, leading to improved communication, empathy, new ways of supporting each other and ultimately a stronger, more fulfilling relationship.


With the iEQ9 Enneagram personality test, you’ll discover your personality types and how they interact with your partner’s, leading to improved communication, empathy, new ways of supporting each other and ultimately a stronger, more fulfilling relationship.

The Enneagram allows couples to see each other through fresh eyes, giving new insights into the relationship and how to connect and love more deeply. The iEQ9 Enneagram relationship Report is truly one-of-a-kind and will take your relationship to the next level. Treat yourself and your partner to this love map and start building a stronger relationship today.

  • Relation report:
  • Online debriefing with MCC Marleen Boen:
    220€ / hour online debriefing

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What is the iEQ9 relation Report?

The iEQ9 relation Report is a sophisticated, hyper-personalised 50-page document tailored for you and your partner. It incorporates each of your unique perspectives and guides you to unlock your combined potential.

The iEQ9 relation report incorporates the full spectrum of Enneagram knowledge and reflects on your core Enneagram types, instincts, subtypes, tri-type, centers of expression, strain levels, conflict and social styles, worldviews, triggers, parenting style, sex life, money, work, home and highlights your shared strengths and how you can complement each other and collaborate better. A very powerful document that will be useful for years to come.