What is your blooming purpose?


Due to our busy lives, we often forget to pause and ask ourselves: what is my blooming purpose? Discovering this takes time. It’s a process of awareness, fulfilment, and growth: a journey that not only provides direction but also brings deep satisfaction.

What is it?

A blooming purpose refers to the inner compass that guides your life. It is not a strict deadline or something you need to achieve tomorrow. It’s a bigger idea that aligns with who you are, what drives you, and what fulfils you. Think of it as a short phrase that makes your heart beat faster and your eyes light up.

A blooming purpose evolves as time goes on. It can grow and change, but it remains something that deeply resonates within you. It is not meant to be fully realised today or tomorrow. It is a light that guides you along the way, a signpost that helps you stay on course in life.

Living in alignment with your blooming purpose

Discovering your purpose requires reflection and connection with yourself: your values, desires and possibilities. Many people approach this from the head, using analytical questions and structured formulations. 

However, a true purpose is not just in your head. It must be connected to your heart, so it genuinely feels like it is yours.

What does this mean?

  • Living your values. You may not be able to live by all your top values every day, but by making space for the conditions that are important to you, you start to live them.
  • Taking small steps. Living according to your blooming purpose is a process. Every small step counts and contributes to the bigger picture.
  • Embracing reality. Your purpose doesn’t have to be perfect or fully visible in everything you do. It’s a long-term journey.

Your blooming purpose is like a twilight glow that is always somewhere burning. It gives you direction without becoming a burden. It helps you make choices and adjust your goals without getting caught in the pursuit of perfection.

A life in alignment with your blooming purpose brings not only satisfaction but also fulfilment. You experience a deep intensity and gratitude. Instead of feeling like the weight of the world is on your shoulders, you realise that you are blessed: you are here with a purpose.

Examples of purpose are often simple but powerful:

  • “I support human movement so I can keep moving myself.”
  • “I touch the spirit of people so they can discover their own potential.”

To-be instead of to-do

Living with a purpose changes the way you look at your goals. It’s no longer just about what you have to do (to-do lists), but about who you want to be (to-be lists).

Your blooming purpose is an invitation not only to grow but to bloom: in your own way, at your own pace, with a deep sense of fulfilment that gives your life meaning.

What is your blooming purpose?