Step out of your standard perception

Developing a growth mindset requires openness: not only in our thinking but also in our emotions. By embracing this openness, we can maximize our strengths and grow beyond old beliefs and patterns. 

This process, which combines facing the facts, accepting and digesting them, and dealing with the situation, leads to profound personal growth and a healthy balance between mindset and emotional maturity.

Towards a discovering mindset

Mindset work revolves around the ability to see the past for what it was, without continuously using it as a justification for our current behaviour. Old experiences and beliefs can limit us if we carry them forward without questioning them.

“Possibility thinking is the willingness to see possibilities everywhere instead of limitations”
– John C. Maxwell, American author and speaker

The power of a healthy mindset lies in the question: is this pattern or way of thinking still useful in my life? Is it meaningful to carry it with me, or can I leave the ‘old’ behind as an experience that belongs to a different chapter of my life?

The three-step evolution model

To let go of old beliefs, it is essential to first be honest with ourselves. The strength of the three-step model lies in the ability to be brutally honest about what is really going on.

  1. Face the facts: this first step requires looking at yourself honestly and fully acknowledging the situation, without glossing over or avoiding it. It allows us to critically assess our current viewpoints and make space for renewal.
  2. Accept and digest: only after we have faced the facts honestly can we accept and process them. This means not clinging to guilt or regret but rather considering what the situation can teach us. It is a process of consciously processing without falling into the emotional reflex of blame or judgement.
  3. Deal with it: instead of getting stuck in outdated reactions such as fight, flight or freeze, we look at how we can move forward from this new honesty and acceptance. This way, we can act in ways that promote our progress and well-being.

The false sense of urgency

An important obstacle to growth is our attachment to so-called certainties. We often cling to patterns or habits because they feel familiar and safe, even if they no longer serve us. Consider thoughts like “I need to change jobs now, or there won’t be any opportunities left”, or “I have to buy this now, or it will be gone”.

By distancing ourselves from these false urgencies, we can free ourselves from pressure that adds little value. Choosing the safe route is not always the goal. Sometimes, it is necessary to ask what we really want instead of what we think we should do. What possibilities do we overlook simply because we hold on to familiar structures?

What must be and what can be let go?

Our ‘musts’ are deeply rooted in how we think about our lives. But how often do we ask ourselves if these obligations still align with what we truly want? By distinguishing between what is genuinely important to us and what we continue to do out of habit, we can let go of this ballast.

Take, for example, the thought “I must always clean”. The question is: do you really want to, or do you feel obligated? If cleaning aligns with your personal values and what you find important, then it adds meaning to your life. But if it only happens out of habit, it may be time to consider whether it is really a necessity.

“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got”
– Henry Ford, American industrialist and business magnate

Creating a new perspective, a so-called discovering mindset, requires a broader view. We can train ourselves to look at what is possible instead of clinging to old ideas. By seeking new perspectives and opportunities, we can free ourselves from entrenched habits and limiting beliefs. This calls for a mindset focused on possibilities rather than limitations.

Let go of your inner struggle

If we continue to cling to our inner battles and old fears, we remain trapped in a negative cycle. We can only grow, both individually and collectively, when we are willing to change our thinking. By applying this renewed mindset, not only for ourselves but also within our community, we foster emotional maturity for everyone.

Are you ready to take an honest look in the mirror and question your mindset? Does your current way of thinking support your personal growth, or does it unconsciously keep you stuck in old patterns? It takes courage to answer this question, but the result is a mindset that is nourishing and liberating. By broadening our perspective and letting go of old limitations, we find the freedom and strength to lead an authentic and meaningful life. Learn all about this through our BLOOM program!

By broadening our perspective and letting go of old limitations, we find the freedom and strength to lead an authentic and meaningful life.

Learn all about this through our BLOOM program!